What is Bluetooth Technology?

What is Bluetooth Technology?

Bluetooth technology is a high speed, low-power wireless technology connexion for linking cell phones or other mobile devices. It is a necessity for the use of low power radio communications in a short distance without wires to link phones , computers and other network devices (IEEE 802.15.1). The Bluetooth transmitted wireless signals usually span short distances up to 10 metres. 

It is obtained through the integration of low cost transceivers. It can stand up to 721 KBps along with 3 voice channels on the 2.45GHz frequency band. The International Convention to Use Industrial, Science and Medical Instruments (ISM) has set aside this frequency band.rd compliant with 1.0 devices.

Each device offers a unique 48 bit address from IEEE 802 standard, with links indicated point to point or multipoint. Bluetooth can connect up to 'eight devices' simultaneously. 

Bluetooth history: 

Bluetooth wireless technology has been named after Harald Blatand, Danish Viking and King; his last name means in English "Bluetooth." The unity of Denmark and Norway is attributed as well as the joint union of Bluetooth wireless technology with two distinct devices. 

The Bluetooth technology has emerged from Ericsson 's 1994 mission of seeking alternatives to the cable's use for communication between mobile telephones and other equipment. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) which published its 1st version in 1999, were founded by Ericsson, IBM, Nokia and Toshiba in 1998.

The first version was 1.2 with a 1Mbps data rate. 2.0+EDR with a data speed of 3 Mbps was the second version. The third was 3.0+HS at 24 Mbps speed. The most recent update is 4.0. 

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Why Bluetooth Functions and How Does it Works?

Bluetooth Network is a personal area network or a piconet comprising at least 2 to 8 bluetooth pairs-usually with a single master and up to 7 slaves. A master is a tool that begins contact with other tools. The main computer manages the communication and traffic between itself and the related slave devices. The device which responds to the master device is a slave device. Slave devices must align their transmission / receiving time with the masters.

How Does it Works?

Slave device transmissions are often controlled by the master device ( i.e. when a slave device transmits the master device). In particular, a slave can begin transmissions only within a time frame immediately after the time frame at which the master addressed it, or within a time frame specifically reserved for slave system use. 

The Bluetooth Device Address (BD ADDR) for the master device specifies the frequency hopping stream. The main device first sends a radio signal requesting a response within the range of addresses of the individual slave devices. The slaves respond, and clock with the master unit, both with their hop frequency.

When a computer is an active member of more than one piconet, scatternets are formed. In essence, the adjacent computer splits its time between the various piconets. 

Specifications for Bluetooth: 

Core specifications: It specifies the Bluetooth protocol stack and testing and certification standards for Bluetooth devices. Core specifications: 

The specification of the profiles: it specifies usage models that include information about how the Bluetooth protocol is to be used for different types of applications.

Five layers of the central specification are: 

Radio: Radio defines the radio transmission specifications for a Bluetooth transceiver including frequency, modulation, and power features. 

Baseband Layer: Describes physical and logical channels and link types (voice or data); specifies different packet formats, transmits and receives time, channel control, hop-sectioning mechanism and system addressing. The packet length will range from a maximum of 68 bits (shortened access code) to 3071 bits. 

LMP- Connection Manager Protocol (LMP): specifies connexion establishment and link management procedures.

Logical Link Adaptation and Control Protocol (L2CAP): adapts the high-level protocols to the baseband layer. 

Service Discovery Protocol (SDP): – Enables Bluetooth devices, for system details, services offered and characteristics of such services, to query other Bluetooth devices. 

The Bluetooth module is the first two layers, while the host is the last two layers. The Host Controller Interface is the interface between these two logical classes.

Bluetooth Technology Benefits: 

The Speed Frequency Hopping approach avoids the issue of radiation interference. This method uses 79 channels with a specific frequency band and each system accessing the channel has to switch between sending and receiving data from one point of time to another for just 625 microseconds. This means that the frequencies of transmitters change 1,600 times a second, so that more users can completely use a small portion of the radio spectrum. This prevents interference since any transmission is at different frequencies. This prevents interference. 

The chip (composed of the transceiver) has a low power consumption of approximately 0.3mW, which allows less battery-life use. 

Protection at bit level is assured. A 128-bitkey is used to manage your authentication.

Bluetooth can be used both for data transfer and for verbal communication, since Bluetooth can enable data channels with up to three identical speech channels. 

It overcomes the sight-line restrictions and overcomes one contact like other wireless communications mode such as infrarot.

Applications of Bluetooth: 

Cordless Desktop: All (or most) peripheral devices are wirelessly connected to the PC (e.g. mouse, keyboard, printer, speakers, etc.). 

Ultimate headset: Used to allow one headset to be used on countless devices like telephones, mobile computer, stereo systems etc. 

Automatic sync: This usage model uses the occult computing paradigm that focuses on applications in which computers perform specific tasks on behalf of the user automatically without a user 's involvement or consciousness. 

Multimedia Transfer:- Multimedia exchange of such data as songs, videos and photos can be transmitted via Bluetooth between devices.