What is Blockchain Technology?

What is Blockchain Technology?

The history of any digital asset is made unchanged and transparent by using decentralisation and encryption hacking by Blockchain, sometimes referred to as distributed ledger technology ( DLT).

A Google Doc is a simple analogy to understand blockchain technology. The document is distributed instead of copied or transferred when we create a document that we share with a group of people. This creates a decentralised distribution chain that provides everyone with simultaneous access to the document. No one will be locked out waiting for changes from another party while all changes to the document are recorded and made transparent.

Blockchain is of course more complicated than a Google Doc, but it is suitable because it illustrates three key technology ideas:


1.Instead of being copied or transferred, digital assets are distributed.
2.Decentralized assets that allow full access to them in real time.
3.A transparent change ledger preserves the document integrity, which creates confidence in the asset.

It helps to reduce risks, to stop fraud and bring transparencies to a large extent for myriad use. Blockchain is a particularly promising and revolutionary technology.

How does it work?

It's all about allowing people — especially, people who don't trust each other — to share valuable data in a safe and manipulative way.

How does it work?

Blockchain is made up of three key concepts: blocks, nodes and miners.


There are multiple blocks in each chain, and three essential elements in each block:

The block's data.
An entire 32-bit number called a nunce. The nonce is generated randomly by the creation of a block, which then produces a hash block header.
The hash is a 256-bit number which has been married to the nuncio. The number of zeroes (i.e. very small) must start with.
Only a nonce generates the cryptographic hash when the first block of the chain is created. Unless mined, the data in the block is considered to be signed and tied for ever to the nunce and the hash.


Through a process called mining, miners create new blocks on the chains.

Each block has its own unique nonce and hash, but also refers to the previous block in the chain, so it is not easy to mine a block, particularly on big chains.

Miners use special software to solve the incredibly complex mathematics problem of finding an accepted hash. Since the nonce is just 32 bits and the Hash is 256 the possible nonce-Hash-combinations of approximately four billion must be mined before the correct combinations are found. When that occurs, miners say the 'golden nonce' has been found and their block is added to the chain.

To change any block in the earlier chain, not only the block with the change needs to be removed, but all the blocks that follow. That's why manipulating blockchain technology is extremely difficult. Think of it as 'safety in mathematics' because it takes enormous time and computer energy to find golden noces.

If a block is successfully mined, all nodes in the network accept the change and the miner receives financial compensation.


Decentralization is one of the key concepts in blockchain technology. Nobody can own the chain from a computer or organisation. It's instead a spreadsheet via the chain-connected nodes. Nodes can be any electronic device that keeps blockchain copies and the network working.

Any node has its own blockchain copy and the network needs algorithmic authorisation to update, trust and verify any newly mined bloc for the chain. Every action in the LED is easy to check and view as blockchains are transparent. A unique alphanumeric identification number is provided to each participant showing their transactions.

The combination of public information with a checks and balances system helps to maintain the integrity of blockchain and build user faith. Blockchains can essentially be considered to measure trust through technology.