Google Cloud Platform(GCP)

Google Cloud Platform(GCP)

Google's cloud infrastructure is a suite of Google's public cloud services. The platform provides a variety of hosting services for the creation , storage and use of Google hardware. Google Cloud Platform services are available via the public internet or through a dedicated network connexion to software developers, cloud administrators and other company IT professionals.

Google Cloud platform product summary:

Google Cloud Platform provides computing services, storage , networking, Big Data , IOT, as well as cloud management , security, and development tools. Google Cloud 's main cloud computing offerings include:

  • Google Compute Engine, which provides users with instances on a virtual machine to manage workloads, as an infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
  • Google App Engine, which provides software developers access to scalable Google hosting as a Platform as a Service (PaaS). Developers may also use SDK to develop software products running on App Engine.
  • Google's cloud storage platform for storing massive, non-structured data sets. Google also has database storage options, such as the non-relational storage NoSQL cloud datastore, full relational storage Server SQL for MySQL, and Google's Bigtable Cloud native database. 
  • Google Container Engine is a framework to control and orchestrate Docker containers in the public cloud of Google. Google Container Engine is a container orchestration engine based on Google Kubernetes.

Google Cloud Computing Services

Google Cloud provides software creation and inclusion services. Google Cloud Pub / Sub, for example, is a managed and real-time messaging service that permits exchange of messages between applications. Google Cloud Endpoints also enables developers to offer RESTful API based services and make those services available to Apple's iOS , Android and JavaScript customers. Anycast DNS, direct connexions to networks, balancing of loads, tracking and logging services are all other offerings.

Google Cloud Computing Services

Services of higher quality;

Google continues to expand its cloud infrastructure to higher-level offerings such as Big Data and Machine Learning. Google's large data services provide data processing and analytics applications, such as Google Big Query and multi-terabyte data sets queries including SQL. Google Cloud Dataflow is an automated data processing tool, extracts, transforms and loads (ETLs) and computer projects in real-time. Google Cloud Dataproc, which provides Apache Spark and Hadoop Big Data Processing services, is part of this platform.

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Google provides a managed service that allows users to create and train machine-learning models for artificial intelligence ( AI). There are also numerous APIs available for language, text , images and video translation and analysis.

In addition , Google offers IoT services, including the Google Cloud IoT Core, a collection of managed services that users use to manage IoT devices data.

The service suite of Google Cloud Platform continues to grow and Google constantly adds, updates or discontinues services based on customer requirements or competitive pressures. Amazon Web Services ( AWS) and Microsoft Azure are Googles major rivals on the public cloud computing market.

Price choices for Google Cloud Platform:

Many Google Cloud services, like other public cloud plans, follow pay-by-go models where no upfront payments are made and customers pay for only the cloud tools they use. However, basic terms and prices differ between providers.

Certification of Google Cloud Platform:

Google provides Google Cloud Platform-related training and certification programmes, including cloud computing classes, data and machine learning, G suite management , application creation and a cloud-based introductory programme. A licenced IT specialist will receive three Google cloud certifications: a Certified Professional Cloud Architect, a Certified Professial Data Engineer, and a Certified Professional G Suite Manager.